Where Angles Fear to Tread

June 9, 2017

Never write a blog at 5:30am

Filed under: Politics, UK Politics — Declan and Eeyore @ 4:37 am

Having not slept since 6:15am yesterday morning, done a full day’s work and driven 2 hours to Kent the best thing to do at 5:30am is to update a blog for future posterity… or maybe not.

It is now clear that the exit polls are right (or close enough) and that there will be a Hung Parliment with DUP propping up the Conservatives in the next parliament.

It is also clear that May has ****ed herself, the Conservative party and very likely Brexit. An apalling, negative campaign, too close to other elections and after saying she would not call an election appears to have been a catastrophic error. May should pay with her job following this, but I fear that it has fundamentally holed Brexit as well, with an EU fudge now becoming much more likely than before the election.

Two party politics is also back with LAB & CON going into Scotland, and the SNP being crippled. And May didn’t correctly factor in where the UKIP votes would go. Only winners here are Ruth Davidson and Jeremy Corbyn.

Right Angle

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